The King is falling…

Crypto Garda
3 min readNov 11, 2022
The King is falling...

The Great Fall…

Who is going to be the new King?
Everyone is patiently awaiting the outcome of Crypto’s most beloved coin — is this the end of Bitcoin’s reign as King? Bitcoin shockingly dropped to the lowest @ $15719.60 09 Nov 2022 — For the last couple of months the popular crypto coin “Bitcoin” has been fighting an uphill battle getting back to its former glory, but it seems to be on a slippery slope down which it will not recover from.
Some would say that the record highs would have never been a permanent and I do agree. Bitcoin should actually be categorized as a collectable coin like the South African Kruger Rand and NOT AS a currency. A centralized currency has a locked value of 1:1 — its value is backed by the country it represents and its hold of power in the stocks is against other currencies — for Bitcoin to compete with “old” currencies it will have to shake off some extra weight and become a TRUE workable currency. Now the ideal of owning a Bitcoin is the allure, but once investor’s sees through the logic, a more reliable crypto like Doge or Sursha might compete as daily used currency.
While Most Alt-coins are standing their ground, why is the King having such struggles in keeping loyal supporters? Like I always say — Don’t mix Decentralized with Centralized! There is the reason why real Cryptonians do not mix business with fun — the result is always collapse.
While the Bitcoin’s tower is crumbling in the Centralized world, those who have opted for a life in the Crypto-World are snug and safe. Bitcoin’s approach to making its coin the King is now its downfall! They will pay with a massive crash in numbers as investors pack up and say goodbye! Once the mass exodus takes place it’s a hard drop to the floor and even harder to get back to the once majestic allure.
What do you do — hope for the best and wait it out or do you sell and lick your wounds? This is not easy as the markets are controlled by the “Fickle Law” — Trading stocks are just that and unfortunately that makes the markets work. Me, on the other hand do not take a fickle approach to my hard earned cash — I love a slow and steady growth. Trading is a good way to bump your investment but as most Bitcoin backers will soon see… you play with fire and you get burned.
You can still make money in the Crypto-world using DEX… here you will find Cryptonians which embraces the idea — DECENTRALIZED — They are not just focused in making money but also changing minds about FREEDOM!
In my opinion — Mining crypto coins the old fashion way is the sure steady way of creating Wealth.



Crypto Garda

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